Pe data de 28 septembrie, curent, în incinta Universităţii Libere Internaţionale din Moldova (ULIM), a avut loc ceremonia oficială de transmitere a nouă seturi de calculatoare de către Reprezentanţa Înaltului Comisariat al Organizaţiei Natiunilor Unite pentru Refugiati în Moldova (UNHCR) care vor fi utilizate de către studenţii de aici.
Donaţia computerilor, în valoare de 64 de mii de lei, constituie o componentă a proiectului Integrarea Locală a refugiaţilor în Belarus, Moldova şi Ucraina, finanţat de Uniunea Europeană şi co-finanţat şi implementat de Reprezentanţa UNHCR în Moldova.
Activităţile proiectului de integrare locală pentru refugiaţi şi beneficiarii de protecţie umanitară constau în oferirea de asistenţă socială şi medicală, oportunităţi de formare profesională şi ocuparea forţei de muncă, cursuri de limbă română şi cazare. Tehnica respectivă urmează să fie utilizată de către studenţii de aici, în cadrul cursurilor universitare, inclusiv de către studenţii străini, care îşi fac studiile la ULIM , în vederea studierii limbii române.
În luarea sa de cuvînt, dl Peter Kessler, Reprezentantul UNHCR în Moldova, a reiterat disponibilitatea UNHCR de a continua şi a amplifica relaţiile de colaborare cu ULIM, astfel ca studenţii să-şi poată face studiile în condiţii cît se poate de bune.
La ceremonie au fost prezenţi: dl Dumitru Lipcanu, Administrator Programe/Finanţe UNHCR în Molodva; Svetlana Jioară, Asociat Programe, UNHCR Moldova; reprezentanţi ai administraţiei ULIM şi organizaţiilor non-guvernamentale din domeniul azilului şi un grup de studenţi de la Catedra Jurnalism şi Limbi Străine.
Dumitriţa Gârbu,
Mariana Răileanu,
studente-jurnaliste ULIM

The donated computers worth 64.000 lei and are component of the project Local Integration of Refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, funded by the European Union and co-financed and implemented in Moldova by UNHCR Representation in Moldova.
28 September 2011
On 28 September, this year, inside the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), took place the official ceremony of transmission of nine sets of computers by the Representation of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to be used by students.
The donated computers worth 64.000 lei and are component of the project Local Integration of Refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, funded by the European Union and co-financed and implemented in Moldova by UNHCR Representation in Moldova.
Project activities of local integration for refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection consists of providing social and medical assistance, opportunities of professional development and employment, Romanian language courses and accommodation. That technique follows to be used by the students, in the university courses, including foreign students studying at ULIM, to study Romanian language.
The meeting was opened by Mr. Gehard Ohrband, representative of the International Cooperation Center ULIM, who thanked the UNHCR Representation for a truly valuable gesture, he also reminded about another undertaken activity with the support of the UN Agency, namely the organization of courses of study Romanian language by a group of refugees and arranging an auditorium with modern equipment.
In his speech, Mr. Peter Kessler, UNHCR Representative in Moldova, reiterated UNHCR availability to continue and enhance cooperation relations with ULIM, so that students could be able to study in as good conditions as possible.
However, Kessler pointed out the unfavorable situations in which are tens of thousands of refugees, including young refugees around the world and the need to support this category of people, including those who are in Moldova . In this regard, UNHCR and its international partners support not just the refugees and asylum seekers, but also a number of governmental institutions through different donations of: specialty books, especially in the field of human rights and humanitarian law; computers, cars, of which already beneficiated Border Guard Service, Law and Educational Institutions in several districts; and activities: course about the refugee rights, mass-media and refugees, public lectures etc. – Mr. Kessler said.
Ms. Ludmila Hometkovski, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Communication Sciences, said: the fact that UNHCR Representatives visit us at the beginning of this new academic year is a proof that it is a reliable partner and even a friend who deserves our most honest appreciation. It is not for the first time when UNHCR donates equipment and furniture to our university. The nine computers in short time will be made available for students and certainly will be used for the course of Romanian language for foreign students.
The ceremony was attended by Mr. Dumitru Lipcanu, Programs/Finances Administrator UNHCR in Moldova, Svetlana Jioară, Programs Associate, UNHCR Moldova; representatives of ULIM administration and of non-governmental organizations in asylum field and a group of students from the Journalism and Foreign Languages Department.
Dumitriţa Gârbu,
Mariana Răileanu,
Student-journalists ULIM
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